I didn't stop long in Clermont ferand but I took this picture of a giant wind-vane assembled on a roundabout.
This was the first roundabout on my way in to St Pourcain. I guess the Tour de France will pass this way. Anyway ... despite this part being a little tatty, it turned out to be a very pleasant town as the subsequent photo shows.
The map showed a viewpoint at Vaux so I decided to stop and have a break. I couldn't find the village .. all there was was road! Devoid of traffic, so I sat and snacked while I was there.
The map showed a viewpoint at Vaux so I decided to stop and have a break. I couldn't find the village .. all there was was road! Devoid of traffic, so I sat and snacked while I was there.
Waitrose / Sainsbury.. eat your heart out. This is a store resaurant .. The Leclerk in Moulin. And the food was good, too.
One ... from the back ... you'll notice the white spires (I didn't... DOH!)
The other, from the front... You'll notice the spires aren't white. I didn't at the time.
Twin twin-peaks (I couldn't resist the play on words). This is Moulin, obviously has two churches from this distance.
The river, and bridge ... it's a red bridge at Moulin... a sort of "Moulin Rouge Pont" ... Come on, keep up.
Do I have to tell you where I am?
Can you tell what it is yet?
So, how out of context is this? It's in Guerigny ... Just North of Nevers.
I just thought it looked good - it's at a place called Chateuneuf-Val de Bargis - so I just took the photo.
Of course, I didn't see the full name on the sign so I thought it might be the Chateuneuf du Pap. I rode about thirty miles to find it wasn't. DOH!
More out of context ... An Irish Kebab house in France. WHAT? This was at a place called Varzy if you want to try it. Reputedly the best Irish Kebab house in the region.
Actually Varzy proved to be a pretty little village away from the main road.