Friday, 14 September 2007

Grantham classic vehicle show

Well, the weather looked good, A random selection from the pages of MCN's events page saw me heading for Grantham. The classic vehicle show ... Well, the ride there was good, the show was not so impressive but sitting on the grass with a hot cuppa and a burger was fine.

The few vehicles on show were all beautifully restored / maintained and manicured, with a couple being rare, I would guess. Check out the camper!

Peter and I went to Wittering airfield to take part in an Aardvarks trackday. We were put in the fast group which was a little intimidating for me at first. It became good fun once I got over my initial apprehension. This is Peter on the last bend (no pics of me since I had the camera). This was a long-long opening bend and I think the 400 was powering as hard as it could - and still not enough to keep it nailed on its side. I'd followed Peter through this bend a few times and he was leant over more than this at the apex. Still, not bad, eh!